Interesting thread topic for the subject of empiricism.
To tell you the truth, I know who I am;
but in reality i'm one being with two identities.
I have my true identity that real people know me by,
and yet i'm virtually jesus 2.3. Do you know how this really is true?
Senses play an integral part of understanding Truth & Reality,
you may even say that they are nature, but what they sense is what you nurture in your mind. Let me explain.
I will assume that you exist, just because I know that I do. I assume this because I can see you, hear you, and touch you (assuming you are standing in front of me). Once my senses have registered you, my mind begins to work. As time marches on, my senses observe different things.
In reality you may think this is how you make your judgements,
but the truth is that it's a prejudgement - or assumptions if you will.
It's your free will to decide what assumptions to make.
You observe, and think, and observe some more, and eventually you'll take some action.
The action that you take will depend on what you think about what you have been sensing.
And of course, this goes for the other guy also. It's a feedback loop if you know what i mean. If you don't it isn't actually important.
Just listen closely to the other guy, and ask the appropriate questions.
If you don't like the answers, either walk away, or ask some more questions.
There's no reason to fight. Unless it's a matter of survival. In that case, the man with the strongest will to survive, will survive and be free.
Hopefully the for this isn't the death of the other guy.
In reality, if they work together - the truth will be otherwise.