Whenever I read truly amazing stories like that, I smell a potential rat, so I make a point of checking out the rest of the web to see if the story holds water. This one, I'm pleased to say, does. Physics Today have published (warning, the site seems to be under too much demand at the moment so you might have to wait. The others are no problem though) and the American Anti Gravity Association or whatever they call themselves, had him as a making some of the relevant comments in public in February last year. And my personal trusted source of Physics news, Physorg.com is also . (Second story on the page) So if its a hoax, it's doing pretty well.
It'll bugger up the plot for , of course. In that, I envisage that we'll only achieve C+ speeds using Quantum Transceivers prepositioned in an expanding shell of much slower spaceships (travelling away from us at only one tenth of the speed of light). On which basis, it would be 1.8million years or something like that before we reach even the Large Magellanic Cloud (a small galaxy orbiting our own Milky Way).
If this variation on quantum theory is validated and the resulting technology delivers, we will actually achieve something closer to Star Trek with Warp 1-10 technology which could get us there perhaps as little as 1-10,000 years.
But the article suggests that we might see the first meaningful tests within about 5 years. That looks a trifle optimistic even to an arch optimist like myself. I suspect it will be 20 years before they even agree on the theory. But I suppose there's nothing to stop them rotating their magnets to see if they do actually begin to achieve real thrust even before the theory's sewn up.
Interesting indeed.